| 1. | Finally , these features have been analyzed in terms of dressed states produced by the driving field 最后,我们用修饰态方法对这三个重要特征进行了分析。 |
| 2. | The separability of the out adjacent gain peaks is limited by the minimal spacing between dressed states 外部增益峰能否被分开由修饰态之间最小间距决定。 |
| 3. | In the dressed states representation the probe transition is split into four transitions that is coupled to each other 在修饰态表象中探测跃迁分裂成四个相互耦合的跃迁。有两个因素导致耦合的产生。 |
| 4. | The outer adjacent gain peaks are well separated from each other when the minimal spacing between dressed states is far larger than the atomic decay rates 只有在修饰态之间最小间距远大于原子衰减速率时,外部增益峰才能被很好的分开。 |
| 5. | The strong probe field is coupled to the strong transition and creates two dressed states , the level spacing of which is far larger than the atomic decay rates 强探测场与弱跃迁进行共振耦合产生两个修饰态,修饰态间距远大于原子衰减速率。 |
| 6. | The weak control field is coupled with the weak transition , which is separated into two transitions from an auxiliary into either of the two dressed states in the dressed states representation 弱控制场与裸原子强跃迁进行耦合,在修饰态表象中,控制跃迁分裂为从辅助能级到两个修饰态的两个跃迁。 |
| 7. | Second , negative dispersion without absorption , which leads to superluminal light propagation , is achievable in the central resonance structure of the dispersion spectrum . the negative dispersion is slightly weakened as the spacings between dressed states increase 其次,在色散光谱的中心区域,呈现出无吸收负色散,这种效应能够导致超光速传播,但它随着修饰态间距增加而减弱。 |
| 8. | The resonant dressed transition and the spontaneous decay of the other transition constitute a two - step pathway of population transfer from one dressed state to the other . as the consequence , the population is trapped in one dressed state 此时共振的相干跃迁与另一通道的自发辐射组成一个二步通道,将原子布居从一个修饰态经过辅助能级转移到另一个修饰态,结果产生原子布居在一个修饰态上的捕获。 |
| 9. | In this paper we have predicted two kinds of new quantum coherence effects . one is the strong - field index enhancement via selective population trapping of dressed states and the other is the preservation of the coherent population trapping ( cpt ) is by quantum interference of incoherent pump processes 本文提出了两类新的原子相干效应,一是利用选择性修饰态捕获产生强场折射率增强,二是非相干泵浦诱导的量子干涉保护相干捕获。 |
| 10. | Third , the whole absorption spectrum displays , in general , three pairs of absorption peaks and three pairs of gain peaks . due to the coherences between dressed states , these peaks are not exactly at the resonant resonance frequencies between dressed states , but in the vicinity of them 还有一个特征就是,吸收光谱在一般情况下会出现三对吸收峰和三对增益峰,在修饰态相干的作用下,这些峰并不是位于修饰态共振跃迁频率处,而是位于它们邻域附近。 |